Wednesday, February 18, 2015


My favorite food: Meat
Foods I'd like to avoid: Cake (It's a lie)
My favorite things to learn: Life skills that will prove useful in up and coming years
My favorite color:Yellow
My best friends are: plentiful
My favorite games to play: Video games.
My favorite books: LOTR series (Lord of the Rings)
My favorite movies or TV shows: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
My favorite holiday: Thanksgiving
Things I do well: Procrastinate & Breathing
Things I need to practice more: The piano
My favorite place to go: Florida
My favorite family activities: Playing board games (or tennis)
My favorite thing to do outside: Run
My favorite chore: none
My least favorite chore: Cleaning
What I want to be when I grow up: That is what high school is for, to find out the answer to that
A place I want to visit: Spain
My favorite part of the year: Winter
My favorite part of each day: Afternoons on the week days and mornings on the weekends

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